Monday, January 2, 2012

Round One

So, I'm about to begin my last semester of my educational career. I know, I know. I've known it was coming. It doesn't stop the fact that now I have a mere 14 weeks left to cram in everything I've wanted to do in 18 years of going to school. On that list is to have a blog (developed more toward the college end of the spectrum, not the pre-K I know you were thinking) that is:

  • a) not a class assignment
  • b) not a temporary 3-month journal to keep my family updated while I'm abroad. 
If you knew me before I started this blog, you know that I've previously done two blogs, both in that category. If you knew me way before those knew I had a Xanga. Unfortunately, one my requirements for this blog was to have it NOT be a journal of my life and postings of inside jokes, because I know that even if people do want to read that for some weird reason, I certainly don't in five years. I'll stick to the traditional paper-and-ink method for memories I would like to keep for the future. Facebook is doing enough of tracking my life history. 

On to the next one. I love taking pictures. I've loved it since the day of the disposable camera. I will always love taking pictures. But I know there is way more to it than clicking a button and capturing moments. So, here I go on my journey of becoming a legit photographer. It helps that this semester I'm taking the long-awaited SMAD 225, Photojournalism class. Hopefully you stumble on this one day as you are surfing the web doing everything but what you're supposed to be doing! And hopefully it won't bore you so you scramble to the next distraction as quickly as possible.

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